Instructor:       Daniel Kohn (
Catalog Description:
200. Electronics Assembly and Fabrication Practices. 1 hr. Corequisite: EET 200L. Laboratory and shop practice; safety;soldering and assembly; computer-aided printed circuit board (PCB) design; PCB fabrication.
200L. Assembly and Fabrication Laboratory. 1 hr. Corequisite: EET 200L.
Required Purchases
There is NO textbook for EET200/L but you are required to purchase a tool kit for the class. This includes the following:
Wire Strippers / Cutters
Small screw driver
Soldering Iron
Desoldering Tool
Desoldering Wick or Braid
Solderless Breadboard
Wire Wrap Tool
Wire Wrap Wire (30 gauge)
[Click on item to see an EXAMPLE of the required item. Substitutions are permitted]